I was born and raised in the former capital of Myanmar, a relatively large, yet poor South East Asian country. I moved to Singapore around 16 years of age. I discovered my joy of programming when I came across C# and Python around 2017. But I only really got serious during the COVID lockdowns. I have a great love for challenging and complex games like DOTA 2 and World of Warcraft. I believe they have "soul" even though Blizzard has been erm, yeah... ALSO Elden Ring is amazing!!! Looking forward to the DLC. Stardew Valley is BASED and so is ConcernedApe.
I have struggled long term with depression,addiction and other personal issues until the year 2022. To the people that I may or may not have hurt before in the past or have come to hate/dislike me for whatever reason, you have my apology. Though it does not atone for certain things that I have done, I would like to come forth and admit that I was a troubled teenager growing up and it left me with a multitude of problems as I entered adulthood. I have chosen to embrace Buddhism and vipassana meditation seriously as of 2023. I am focused on continuously learning and improving my skills to build software for the benefit of humanity and if you knew me before this point in my life, I assure you that I have outgrown and abandoned my past identity.
I am greatly inspired and motivated by individuals like Navdeep, also known by his online handle as NeetCode who built neetcode.io and ThePrimeagen, who also conquered the demons of his youth and now gives back to society through teaching programming and streaming. I am currently deeply enjoying building things in the .NET ecosystem and learning about AI systems. Hobbies include hiking, reading high fantasy(currently reading The Waking Fire by Anthony Ryan) and anime.
Feel free to reach out to me via Twitter or email me at tohsaka19rin@gmail.com. You can also PM me on twitter for business matters or ask me for my serious personal email.